Michelle Bryan
Michelle Bryan

Michelle Bryan knew she wanted to be a writer when she was eight years old. Her uncle left her an antique typewriter, and she began writing mystery stories from her childhood bedroom closet. She wrote her first poetry manuscript titled "The Waves" and went on to study Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. As a Michigan native, Michelle began professionally writing about agriculture, organic foods and farming, and later personal finance. While never sticking to one genre, today, she is a freelance lifestyle, women's health, entertainment writer, and a spoken word artist, all while keeping up with her mystery blog.

When your sexual health begins to droop, it may finally be time to see an allergist.
A couple of cups of Joe a day may improve your health, but do they make you a better lover?
This former indicator of wealth has since become common in a much broader population.
The correct way to store medicine, how long to keep it and when to hand it over to a pharmacist.
Don't let fad diets dictate what's healthy and what's not.
Thyroid function is essential for getting pregnant and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
One woman's journey through breast cancer and lifesaving surgery.
The often criticized diet has some disturbing side effects for women.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic was poised to ruin America's sex drive. Along came the Queen of Pop.
It’s not just a challenge for the body or mind but a combination of both that made me stronger.