There are many choices and factors to consider after you decide to terminate a pregnancy.
The new bill makes it illegal to possess abortion-inducing drugs without a prescription.
The case could affect emergency medical care for millions of pregnant people in the U.S.
Covered entities can no longer share protected information about your reproductive health.
The legislation requires accommodation for pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.

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While some people claim abortion can cause psychological harm, research indicates the opposite.
Your doctor doesn't need to know: Symptoms and treatment following either event are identical.
Here's what the legislation looks like where you live.
With a possible overturning of Roe on the horizon, misinformation about DIY procedures abounds.
What may happen if the Supreme Court takes away the constitutional right to end a pregnancy.
Ending a pregnancy can seriously alter how you view intimacy—or have no effect at all.
Reversing abortion protections could have far-reaching economic implications for America.
In a place where abortion is illegal, I am grateful I was able to choose.
We take a look at what brought us to this moment in reproductive health.
The physical, the emotional, the hormonal. Recovery involves many facets of the body and mind.