Risa Kerslake
Risa Kerslake

Risa Kerslake is a registered nurse and freelance writer specializing in women's health topics including fertility, IVF, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hormones, vaginal health, and cancer. Her work has appeared in Parents, Healthline, Reuters, Shondaland, What to Expect, and more. She lives in the Midwest with her husband, two daughters, and Australian Cattle Dog. Find her at

Currently in trials, this promising drug could be a game-changer for the respiratory illness.
HRT provides a wealth of benefits for menopausal women, but timing is everything.
Stepping out on your partner is often the result of a much deeper issue within a relationship.
Here's how to overcome your nerves and figure out what to say.
Xaciato, an antibiotic gel applied vaginally, offers an alternative to traditional methods.
While understanding hormones during menopause is helpful, there may be better ways to do it.
If nursing your baby has left your boobs uneven, you're not alone.
Researchers say hormonal contraceptive use by asthmatic women is linked to reduced flare-ups.
What to expect when you're expecting? Possibly—a urinary tract infection.
If you develop GVHD after a bone marrow transplant, vaginal issues are common.